Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why are All Cirrians Blonde?

A lot of folks have asked me why all of the people from the nation of Cirri are blonde. I tell them that I have given a few hints in the book for this genetic trait, but folks don't seem to be too satisfied with that answer. Well, I will give a little more information about this burning topic in future books of The Sixth World of Men. In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy some explanations that some readers have to explain why the Cirrians are all blonde.
The most popular one has to do with the cold climate. Folks figure that hair might get "frosted" being in the cold for so long. A related reason says that the lack of sunshine due to shorter days and extreme latitude is the reason for the light hair. Another one says that it's the cave cities in Cirri that are to blame. The dark caves keep both the hair and the skin light in color. I like the last one the best. It shows some good imagination. This theory states that all Cirrians were once infected with a disease that eradicated the pigment in their skin and hair. The disease was so widespread and lasted so long that the genes themselves were affected. The Cirrians simply lost the ability to create enough pigment.
Why do you think that all Cirrians are blonde? Perhaps you can come up with a reason that is more creative than the ones that have already been put forth. Maybe you will even hit on the reason that I have in my notes. In a later volume, you can find out if your theory was right.

That's it for now.
Walter E. Mark

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